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Hemorrhoids are veins of the anal canal.  Hemorrhoids that swell near the opening of the anal canal form external hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids that swell inside of the anal canal form internal hemorrhoids.  Internal hemorrhoids can bulge out of the anus when the veins become extensively swollen.  You can have both external and internal hemorrhoids at the same time. 

Treatment of hemorrhoids is usually performed once patients have symptoms. These symptoms can include burning, itching, bleeding, mucous discharge and pain.  While the treatment of hemorrhoids sometimes requires invasive procedures like surgery, there are multiple noninvasive options as well.  The noninvasive or minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids can be performed with topical creams, laser treatment, hemorrhoidal banding or a combination of these therapies.  Both Dr. Bharat Sanghavi and Dr Moushumi Sanghavi perform minimally invasive treatments for symptomatic hemorrhoids.  After an initial consultation and examination, they will create a personalized treatment plan for you.  Please read below to learn about the specific treatments we offer.


Infrared photocoagulation is a medical procedure used to treat small and medium-sized hemorrhoids.  During the procedure, your physician will use a device to apply an intense beam of infrared light to treat your internal hemorrhoids.  The heat created by the infrared light causes scar tissue which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid.  Most patients will require 2-3 sessions of treatment to achieve optimal results. 

Patients are often sedated by an anesthesiologist for the procedure so that they do not feel pain or discomfort.  However, sedation is not mandatory. 

You may experience a small amount of rectal bleeding up to 7-10 days.  This can be normal and often represents the hemorrhoids sloughing off.  You should not have significant pain after the procedure. 


During hemorrhoidal banding, your physician will place a small rubber band around the tissue just above the hemorrhoid where there are few pain sensitive nerve endings.  The banding procedure works by cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, thereby causing the hemorrhoid to shrink and fall off.  Most patients will require 2-3 sessions of treatment to achieve optimal results.

Patients are often sedated by an anesthesiologist for the procedure, but this is not mandatory. 

After the procedure, you may feel a sensation of fullness or a dull ache in the rectum.  This can typically be relieved by an over the counter pain medication and usually resolves completely in 6-12 hours.  Many patients are pain free after the procedure. 


Hemorrhoid Preparation - ENGLISH

Hemorrhoid Preparation - SPANISH